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This fun game requires a bit of creativity on the part of the team. Ask them to name the town they’re from (or currently reside in) without saying the name. You can ask them to give the town’s nickname (“The Big Apple”), a food the town is known for (deep-dish pizza), or even the weather (it’s a dry heat!). One at a time, read a fact and challenge the group to guess who it refers to. Then, encourage the individual who wrote the fact to provide some background and allow other participants to ask questions. Divide all the participants into small teams (three or four works well) and have them write down the questions you supply.

icebreakers for remote meetings

Creative games that allow your team to demonstrate their problem solving skills while collaborating can be an engaging way to kickoff a session. This icebreaker poses that age-old question of what we would do if stuck on a desert island while asking your team to think about what they would need to survive. This playful method creates a powerful shared picture of the feelings in the group. Checking-in is a simple way for a team to start a meeting, workshop, or activity.

Don’t laugh

It reminds your team that they each have feelings that impact their work lives, and they owe it to each other to listen, understand, and support one another. Body Scan offers a creative way for people to connect with their emotions and reflect on their icebreakers for virtual meetings physical sensations. Each person shares two factual statements and one lie about themselves. Screenshare Would You Rather with your team and enjoy the game. «Would You Rather» questions, or «This or That» questions, are your one choice between two.

icebreakers for remote meetings

To play this game, participants will remain silent as they act out a word or sentence. Simply put the performer on spotlight and let the rest of the team members will figure out the message from the performers’ gestures. The goal of the game is to communicate the prompt without using words. Icebreaker questions allow your team to interact better and are particularly helpful to new and shy members. These questions provide your team members an opportunity to get to know one another better.

Best virtual icebreaker games for remote and hybrid teams

The simplest way is to ask an icebreaker question at the start of your meeting. As a manager or team leader, you want to start the session with something fun before diving into the work. If you have little time, a quick virtual icebreaker question will do the job.

icebreakers for remote meetings

For similar ideas, check our full list of Would You Rather Questions. To play, the facilitator will assign each member a number as they join the meeting. The team member assigned number one will be the first to introduce themself. The next, team member number two, will introduce participant number one then themself. For large teams, you can split participants into smaller groups of about five members.

Icebreaker Polls

Everyone comes up with a funny caption and votes who wrote the hilarious one. Simply type them up, throw them in a bowl, and pass the bowl around to let people choose a strip of paper to answer. This remote game requires everyone on the team to find an item or take a photo in a rush against the clock. This game is suitable for a new team as it will help team members get to know each other’s past experiences and interests.

These questions are great for getting to know someone better and breaking the ice. They can help you learn more about the person you’re talking to and can even lead to some interesting conversations. Plus, they’re fun and lighthearted, so everyone can enjoy them.

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